
A person lying on the ground in a forest

Zuuk (Nadège) is a multidisciplinary artist who experiments with sound synesthesia and its potential for transformation and listening. With a musical training of 10 years in piano and clarinet, they currently focus on building sound devices/creatures from recycled elements and organic materials; in addition to collaborating with performance, poetry and theater projects.

Zuuk has participated in projects such as Ecos (puppet, mask and theater play), Tótotl (puppet and shadow play with live music), Cross-border Poems v2 (music and poetry), Lumbre en 3/8 (shadow play with live music), Habladas (performance), Las Próximas (art residency), the street theater festival No Más Muros (music and puppets), Nozi Madrina de Libros (puppet play) and Rufino Tamayo (puppet play).

Zuuk has performed in a variety of spaces and cultural events in Oaxaca including children’s libraries, local theaters, book fairs, culture and community centers and festivals.