Art Residency Las Próximas


I was at a cabaret rehearsal with friends and Ricardo invited me to participate in an art residency they were organizing with their circus collective. It started “now” (= the following week). I answered “yes”.

In this chapter of Las Próximas, we were summoned to (re)imagine a future from the notion of sexual identity, asking ourselves questions that relate to gender, embodiment and sexuality.

Participants: Zaid Glez (circus artist and dancer), Pablo Osorio (graphic designer), Zuuk (musician), Makabra (performer) and Inés Gómez (contortionist).

A group of people with masks

About Lxs Próximxs

“Lxs Próximxs” -those who are close together- is a space for conversations and exchange; where practices, knowledge and experiences of artists converge, without necessarily having an intrinsic or direct relationship with the circus realm. Residents are invited to peer into their desire and question the concepts, perspectives and conventions of what they each understand as contemporary circus; considering the multiplicity of expressions, the sociopolitical contexts involved, as well as the values ​​they share with the historical time in which they develop.