
Person dancing with mask

In collaboration with Teatro Tetris, in 2022, I created the original music for ECOS, a mask/theater/puppet play.

I built a series of musical instruments inspired by the characters and scenes —photos and details below!—. I also use organic elements such as water and corn husks, bird whistles and everyday materials such as plastic wrap.

In the presentations, I perform live the soundscapes and melodies that accompany this story.

Person handling dog puppet while another plays a snake-shaped flute

Handmade Instruments

Ilustration of creature playing the flute

Coatlicue’s flute

Hand-painted bass overtone flute, inspired by Coatlicue, Aztec goddess of fertility and snake-woman.

Overtone flutes are one of the most ancient types of wind instruments, present in many cultures throughout History.

Zuuk with a Coatlicue mask and their handmade flute

Five Sun’s Cimbalom

In the context of creation myths, the term Five Suns describes the doctrine of the Aztec and other Nahua peoples in which the present world was preceded by four other cycles of creation and destruction.

Inspired in Nicolas Bras’s handmade instrument, the cimbalom is a string instrument. It is believed that the gypsy community brought it to Eastern Europe around the 13th century. It is widely played in countries like Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Moldova, etc., and in Iranian Persian music, where it is known as santur.

Fifth Sun wooden puppet holding a bow. In front of him an instrument of cans and guitar strings

The Noise Box

For the scenes describing the Spanish conquest and the underworld, as well as sound effects throughout the play like the claws of the jaguar, I generate sounds through this handmade wooden box full of springs, pieces of iron and a knife automaton that simulates the gallop of horses.

Zuuk with mask of the conqueror

About the play

Person dancing with a mask


“Through masks and puppets, inspired by the Mexica cosmogony, Teatro Tetris will guide us through the landscape of life, death and the mystique of the universe.

The goddess Coatlicue, interrupted by a friendly dog ​​that gets lost in the foothills of Coatepec, begins a journey into the past, where she will give birth to a primal human being who will coexist with her nahual, the animal on which her existence depends…

The constant trials of failed humanities will conclude with the sublime expression of a splendid civilization that, despite its ability to dialogue with its creator divinities, will not be able to avoid its collapse expressed in the violent arrival of the invader and their system of beliefs and domination.

In the end, two extroverted skulls will arrive and teach us about the impermanence of matter and the transience of earthly existence. The limits between the forces of life and death that sustain each other in a perpetual cycle will blur.

Person dancing with mask


Guests of Honor at the 50th Cervantino Festival in a social project promoted by Mexico City that intended to offer free cultural activities in public spaces throughout the festival.