The Ways I Breathe

A semi-naked person with dark skin and long hair with plaster bandages dances while another operates a sound installation of flutes connected to a balloon

“The Ways I Breathe” (provisional name) is an ongoing sound research about health as an organic process, somatic intergenerational family bonds and breathing interdependence. Amongst other drifts, I’m interested in creating sound prosthesis and creatures that breathe.

Until now, “The Ways I Breathe” is a constellation of text documents on my computer, skin sensations, small experiments scattered around my workshop. One of my intentions in the next months is to upload more documentation because I want to apply to art residencies in 2023.

Iterations and Branches

On the left, a poster announcing the exhibition of the audiovisual record of the performance. On the right, two people looking at the audiovisual recording of the performance at the opening of the exhibition. There are some candles on the floor under the TV.

In 2020, “The Ways I Breathe” wove its path with Natalhi Vázquez in the performance “Habladas”, resident project in the art residency Pocoapoco.

Carolina Jaschack captured the performance for a resident expo in Matamoros 404, transdisciplinary cultural hub in Oaxaca.

The full record is here and below you can listen to an audio fragment of the sound installation I created for this performance.